Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ileana fights with her boyfriend in Mumbai?

Ileana is presently termed as the most priced actress down south as she demands a whooping 1.75 crores as remuneration for just showing her Wally cleavage and her skinny body.

According some reliable sources Ileana has been dati9ng a secret boyfriend from the past one year. It is not Rana who is a model in Mumbai, but her latest Boyfriend is reported to be a fashion designer in London and is said that he and Ileana are in neck deep love from the past one year. But according to some sources Ileana fought with her boyfriend on Sunday night in Mumbai star hotel and openly disclosed that she is ending their love relationship. It is also reported that from the past few months the couple are meeting at a secret resort in Mumbai and are spending time with each other for 3-5 days in a single room.
What they do in a single room for 3-4 days can be imagined. They release their hectic stress schedule of the whole month. Isn’t it?